Payment Details

Accommodation application and payment deadlines

Payment Details

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Accommodation application and payment deadlines:

  • All accommodation applications must be sent through filled blank (excel file) to e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before May 10, 2022
  • 50 % prepayment of total accommodation cost must be made by May 10, 2022
  • The rest of the amount including small corrections must be sent by May 25, 2022

Accommodation Payment Details

Please note that all payments for accommodation will be accepted ONLY through BANK TRANSFER in EURO currency (all bank charges must be on payers account) to the following BANK ACCOUNT:

Account holder: VSI - Standart Ltd.
Address: Belite Brezi, bl. 3, 1680 Sofia, Bulgaria
IBAN: BG58 RZBB 9155 1069 0434 00
Bank Address: 49 Bulgaria blvd, 1404 Sofia, Bulgaria

Entry Fee Payment Details

  • Individual entry fee: 80,00 € per competitor (including for competitors competing only in Team disciplines);
  • Team entry fee (including Pre-Arranged Sparring): 50,00 € per team.

Account holder: Europejska Federacja Taekwon-do
Address: 5/B Milenijna, 20-884 Lublin, Poland
IBAN: PL 16 1930 1695 2500 0518 6754 0002
Bank: BPS SA. o/ Lublin
Bank Address: 4 Karlowicza, 20-027 Lublin, Poland

Full amount of participation fee must be cleared by May 15, 2022 with all transfer costs on senders account.

No refunds will be given after transfer of final amount.

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